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Join our GUTSY GANG to contribute to the creation and sharing of dance in regional communities, on national platforms and international stages.

Your support makes the greatest difference to what we do and how we can strengthen the future of dance and communities in Central Australia and beyond.

We’re a registered charity through the ACNC and hold DGR status through the Register of Cultural Organisations. This means any donation over $2 is tax deductable.

GUTS ABN: 56 857 529 354

As a young organisation emerging in a trying and uncertain time for the Arts, financial resourcing and capacity is the trickiest part of doing what we do. GUTS stays afloat through a mix of project specific funding and private donations. A little can go a long way, and we’re always keen for new mates.

Thank you ♡

Thank you to all of our generous and deeply valued Donors

  • Matthew Phillips

  • Sabina Wakerman

    Gary Powel

    Jonathan Rowden

  • Vivien Daley

    Anna Madabushi

    Helene George

    Zoya Godoroja-Prieckaerts

  • Liesel Zink

    Georgie Sutton

    Mary Beneforti

    Ang O'Donnell

    Katy Moir

    Bernard Hickey

    Warren Snowdon

    Rebecca Davis

    Erin Chew

    Jo Lloyd

    Bill Yan

    Maya Newell

    Vivien Daley

    Kate Nabbs

    Jenni Large

    Emma Poletti

    Sabina Wakerman

    Anna Madabushi

    Sarah Saxon

    Sarah Clifford

    Hannah Muir

    Helene George

    Steve Krenek

    Stefanie Farr

    Elizabeth Rogers

    Jonathan Rowden

    Rachel Athaide

    Theresa Chew

    Zoya Godoroja-Prieckaerts

    Joanna Henryks

    Matthew Phillips

    Wendy O'Donnell

    Marina Strocchi

    Michelle Fleming

    Bethan Sweetlove

    Pip McManus

    Aoife Milson

    Vincent Sutton Revell

    Lilly Alexander

    Gabriel Comerford

    Jessica Devereux

    Patrick Moriarty

    Sophie Collins

    Bella Kaiser

    MJ Warfield

    Fumiyo Asai

    Emma Langton

    Rebecca Divjak

    Ruth Cronin